preview TrussFormer


Research project on 3D printed large, moving structures

October 2018

TrussFormer is a research project that allows non-expert users to create large, moving structures with the help of smaller parts, i.e., soda bottles, and 3D printing.

During my master’s studies at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, I was involved in this project that combines Human-Computer-Interaction and Mechanical Engineering. Under the supervision of PhD student Robert Kovacs, Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch and others, a group of master’s students created the interactive editor. I was fully responsible for creating the complex hinge structures in OpenScad and partly responsible for the Web-technology-based UI in the fast-paced research environment.

Our work was published at one of the most impactful Human-Computer Interaction conference UIST 2018 in Berlin, Germany

Robert Kovacs, Alexandra Ion, Pedro Lopes, Tim Oesterreich, Johannes Filter, Philipp Otto, Tobias Arndt, Nico Ring, Melvin Witte, Anton Synytsia, and Patrick Baudisch. 2018.

TrussFormer: 3D Printing Large Kinetic Structures. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ‘18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 113-125. DOI: